Equally Wed Pro Blog

Why Hiring LGBTQ+ Inclusive Employees is Essential in the Wedding Industry (and How to Do It!)

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A job interview between a young Black woman with cropped hair and an older white woman with long white hair pulled back in a low ponytail. There is a blue neon sign that reads Good Vibes Only.

Weddings are about people coming together, celebrating their love and committing to a lifetime of partnership. However, planning a wedding and all the details that go into it can be quite overwhelming, especially for LGBTQ+ couples and marriers. The wedding industry has made strides in becoming more inclusive since we launched in 2010, but there is always room for improvement. As a wedding professional, it is important to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere for all couples and marriers, regardless of their gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation. One way to ensure LGBTQ+ inclusivity is by hiring employees who are knowledgeable and understanding of the unique needs of this community.

5 Reasons Hiring LGBTQ+ Inclusive Employees is Essential in the Wedding Industry

Reflects Your Values

When you hire a team of LGBTQ+ inclusive employees, you are communicating to your clients that you value diversity and inclusivity. Wedding planning is a personal and emotional experience, and couples want to work with vendors who share their values and beliefs. By having a team of inclusive employees, you are not only creating a welcoming environment for your clients, but you are also creating a positive work culture that attracts like-minded individuals to your business.

Builds Trust

Wedding planning can be a stressful experience, and marriers and couples want to feel comfortable and confident with the vendors they choose. Hiring LGBTQ+ inclusive employees can help build trust between your business and potential clients. When marriers couples see that you have employees and colleagues who are knowledgeable and sensitive to their needs, they are more likely to trust you with the important task of planning their special day. Trust is crucial in the wedding industry, and hiring inclusive employees can help establish that feeling of trust and comfort.

Offers Unique Perspectives

LGBTQ+ couples and marriers have unique needs and challenges that differ from cishet weddings. Hiring employees who are knowledgeable and experienced in working with LGBTQ+ couples and marriers can offer new perspectives and ideas to your business. When your team comprises individuals who have different backgrounds and experiences, you can create a more well-rounded approach to your wedding services that addresses the specific requirements and desires of all couples and marriers.

Allows for Better Communication

Having employees who are inclusive and informed about the LGBTQ+ community can lead to better communication with clients. When there is mutual understanding and respect, it is easier to have open and honest conversations about what the client wants for their wedding day. Clear communication is essential in the wedding industry, and having a team of inclusive employees can facilitate this process.

Creates a More Inclusive Industry

The wedding industry has come a long way in becoming more inclusive, but there is still a lot of work to be done. By hiring LGBTQ+ inclusive employees and partnering with LGBTQ+ inclusive wedding pros, you are not only creating a more welcoming and safe environment for all couples and marriers, but you are also contributing to a more inclusive industry as a whole. When businesses prioritize inclusivity and diversity, it sends a message that everyone is welcome, affirmed and valued.

Questions to Ask in an Interview to Hire LGBTQ+ Inclusive Employees

To determine how LGBTQ+ inclusive interviewees are, consider asking a combination of direct and situational questions. Here are some suggestions for interview questions when hiring for your wedding business:

Direct Questions

"Can you describe your experience working with LGBTQ+ individuals or on LGBTQ+ weddings?"

"What does LGBTQ+ inclusion mean to you?"

"How have you demonstrated your commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion in your previous roles?"

"Are you familiar with LGBTQ+ terminology and concepts, such as gender identity, sexual orientation, gender expression and pronoun usage?"

"Would you take (or have you taken) Equally Wed Pro's LGBTQ+ weddings certification course?"

"Can you share an example of a time when you advocated for LGBTQ+ inclusivity in the workplace or in your community?"

Situational Questions

"Imagine a scenario where an LGBTQ+ client feels uncomfortable due to inappropriate comments from another wedding pro. How would you handle this situation?"

"How would you go about creating a more LGBTQ+ inclusive wedding industry if you were hired for this role?"

"How would you ensure that LGBTQ+ clients and/or their LGBTQ+ loved ones felt supported and valued?"

"Can you describe a time when you worked on a wedding (or any job) that involved LGBTQ+ people? How did you ensure they felt welcomed and respected?"

Awareness of Company Policies and Initiatives

"Have you reviewed our company's LGBTQ+ inclusion policies or initiatives? What are your thoughts on them?"

"How do you see yourself contributing to our organization's efforts to promote LGBTQ+ inclusivity and diversity?"

Personal Values and Growth

"How do you stay informed about LGBTQ+ issues, and how do you continue to learn and grow in this area?"

"Can you share any personal experiences or insights that have shaped your understanding of LGBTQ+ inclusion?"

References and Past Experiences

"Can you provide references who can speak to your commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusivity in the workplace?"

"Is there a specific LGBTQ+ wedding or event or initiative from your past that you are particularly proud of? Can you tell us more about it?"

Inclusivity and diversity are essential in the wedding industry. Hiring LGBTQ+ inclusive employees can create a safe and welcoming environment for all couples, build trust, offer unique perspectives, facilitate better communication and contribute to a more inclusive industry.

Remember to create a comfortable and non-judgmental interview environment where candidates feel encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences. Additionally, consider involving diverse interview panel members to ensure a broader perspective and more inclusive evaluation of candidates' responses.

As a wedding professional, it's important to acknowledge the unique needs and culture of LGBTQ+ couples and marriers and take steps to ensure their experience is positive and affirming. By hiring a team of inclusive employees, you are not only creating a better experience for your clients, but you are also contributing to a more inclusive and equitable society.

Ready to learn more about serving the LGBTQ+ community? Check out our courses and resources!