Welcome, love champion!

Hi, I'm Kirsten (she/her).

I teach wedding and event professionals the helpful action steps for building an authentically LGBTQ+ inclusive and affirming business, making meaningful connections with the LGBTQ+ community and becoming a stronger LGBTQ+ ally (even if you're in the community!).

Keep scrolling to grab my FREE guide to 10 actionable ways to infuse more inclusivity into your business.

If you're ready for Equally Wed Pro's immersive LGBTQ+ Weddings Certification Course, check out what our graduates are saying. The LGBTQ+ community is waiting for love champions like you.

Cheers to love + equality!

Download my FREE guide to 10 actionable ways to infuse more inclusivity into your business.


We will never sell your name or email address.

What our graduates are saying...

“I was in the running to land a client for some ongoing copywriting work. I was up against four other StoryBrand agencies. The client picked me and explicitly said it was because she saw my Equally Wed Pro LGBTQ+ Inclusive Certification badge on my website. She said that it helped her know my values, what I stand for, and that I wouldn't bring the drama. This client is set to pay me $1,835 per month with an option to grow. Thank you for creating a program that allowed me to showcase what I believe and differentiate myself in the market.”

Aleya Harris
Owner, Flourish Marketing


Being open to LGBTQ+ couples is not enough. We as wedding vendors must also receive specific educations from resources like Equally Wed Pro and also our local organizations to understand the unique, local context. Then we can serve the couples and the community better.

Wannida Kasiwong
Wonders & Weddings

This course wasn't just a course to help me improve my business. It ended up being a course that further helped me in my personal life, too.

Crystal Whiteaker
Crystal Lily Creative

There was plenty of information that I was not aware of. After completing the lessons and the exam I feel more confident with my LGBTQ+ clients. Thank you so much for the help and making this available!

Richard Policastro
Richard Anthony Photography

LGBTQ+ Weddings Certification Course

$497.00 USD